Organisational Effectiveness

HR Strategy

As organizational effectiveness professionals, we will ensure that:


  • We develop a robust understanding of your business drivers and challenges
  • We partner with you to implement a solution that will be relevant to your business and achieve the return on investment you desire
  • We upskill and empower your HR team to continue being successful long after the project has been finalized
  • We expose you to HR trends and best practices from around the globe to build an HR function that is both effective and leading-edge
  • We measure the impact of our initiative through regular stakeholder interactions and pulse surveys, as well as through measuring and reporting on project outcomes
  • We will enable your HR function for a high impact HR operating model
  • Enabling HR to be a strategic partner to the organisation to drive increased employee engagement.

Leadership Development Strategy

Leadership development strategy aligned to the business strategy

  • Organisational desktop analysis
  • Key stakeholder engagement  and involvement
  • Review of business objectives
  • Review of job profiles
  • Review of leadership pipeline and succession planning
  • Leadership development roadmap
  • Development of leadership development strategy aligned to orgnanisation’s advancement strategy
  • Benefits assessment

Women Development Strategy

Women Development Programme – We partner with organisations in the development of an effective Women Development Strategy, establishing a culture of women development and advancement

  • Women development strategy – Transformation, diversity and inclusion strategy
  • Succession planning for women – Women advancement strategy

We offer the following public and in-house workshops:

Presented and facilitated by Tess Elsen– Accredited John Gray Facilitator – ‘Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus’

Women and Men: Changing Stereotypes (Customised for combined audiences of men and women)

  • Breaking myths i.e. Women are too emotional and men don’t care
  • Understanding each other’s value
  • Improved working relationships

For women only: You don’t have to be man to be a manager

  • Walking tall without swagger
  • Owning your seat at the table
  • Assertiveness without aggression

Return on Investment & Return on Experience

Our 3-Step approach to ROI and ROE.

Clear specification of aims and objectives of the coaching and development process


Measure against contracted objectives

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